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French Way Stage from O Cebreiro to Triacastela

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Hostel A Reboleira

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03 albergue reboleira

C/ Camino de Santiago, 15
Fonfriar del Camino (Lugo)

Hostel owner: Private

Institution or administration in charge of maintenance costs: Private

Person in charge of the hostel: Miguel Ángel and Lola

Remarks: Backpacks transport service. Payment by card is supported. They serve dinner for 9 euros and breakfast for 3 euros (coffee and roast) and 5 euros (continental). E-mail: fonfriacity@hotmail.com alberguefonfria@yahoo.es

Forum: What pilgrims think about the Camino de Santiago

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This is how pilgrims see the Hostel A Reboleira

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