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The Roads of Rubén

Rubén García Blázquez

Rubén García Blázquez

He updates every year the Consumer EROSKI Practical Guide "Camino de Santiago", making the different paths personally, as one more pilgrim.

Rubén García, photographer, journalist and collaborator of ConsumerEROSKI
every year the Camino de Santiago, armed with backpack and GPS.

Your work helps us keep our Camino de Santiago Guide updated, which collects
the hostels and all the stages and is one of the most visited on
the Internet by pilgrims from all over the world.

This year, Rubén makes the road accompanied by many people, all of you want to follow him on our new Twitter channel, (www.twitter.com/caminoasantiago).From there,
Consumer Eroski will report his journey, his stays in the hostels and
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his meetings with the pilgrims.

Our particular pilgrim is already underway and we with him!