Hostels on the Primitive Way
Stages and hostels
Select a stage
Stage 1: Stage from Oviedo to San Juan de Villapgale
Stage 2: San Juan de Villapvintage Stage to Salas
Stage 3: Sala to Tineo Stage
Stage 4: Stage from Tineo to Pola de Allande
Stage 5: Stage from Pola de Allande to La Mesa
Stage 6: Stage from The Table to Grandas de Salime
Stage 7: Grandas de Salime a Fonsagrada
Stage 8: Stage from A Fonsagrada (Padrón) to O Cádavo Baleira
Stage 9: Balearic Islands to Lugo
Stage 10: Step from Lugo to San Romao da Retorta
Stage 11: Stage of San Romao da Retorta a Melide
Stage 12: Melide to O Pedrouzo Stage
Stage 13: Stage from O Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela