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Knowing in advance the villages to visit, their traditions, the counties and the landscape, is rewarding and will make the journey more profitable.
EROSKI Consumer offers in this guide, the Guide of the Camino de Santiago of EROSKI Consumer, and for free, the main Jacobean itineraries of Spain with its stages, hostels, travel, altimetry and photographs.
It is highly recommended to go to an Association of Friends of the Camino de Santiago - in Spain there are more than 50 distributed in almost all the provinces - whose members contribute disinterested information and advice. You can buy the credential at your headquarters. This document serves as a salvoduct and includes boxes to be sealed at least once a day, whether in the hostel, in an establishment or in a church. It is essential to take it if you want to stay in the hostels of public pilgrims and in some private ones. Once in the Pilgrim's Office of Santiago it serves to testify that the pilgrimage has been made and obtain the Compostela.