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Stage 18

San Pedro de Rozado to Salamanca

km 23,4
Time 06H 00’
Difficulty Medium
Hostels 4
Available without an Internet connection

After the plain is the Roman bridge and Salamanca, heritage city

Information about the stage 18: San Pedro de Rozado to Salamanca

Profile: San Pedro de Rozado to Salamanca

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Points of interest in the stage 18: San Pedro de Rozado to Salamanca

  • 8 Plaza Mayor
  • 7 Cathedral of Salamanca
  • 6 Roman Bridge of Merida
  • 5 Alto and cruz
  • 4 Houses. Aldeanueva
  • 3 Albergue municipal de Morille
  • 2 Church of San Pedro
  • 1 Albergue El Miliario

The route

  • Km 0. San Pedro de Rozados (Hostels. Bars. Store)

We go to the bakery and turn right onto Avenida Comuneros to leave the village on a long line. The beginning is strange, because, accustomed to going north, we are moving east. We left the last houses behind and in a few hundred meters we crossed a road. After it, just 300 meters away, we turn left hand and recover the course in part. By a wide and clear track, following the line of the poles, we arrived after 3 kilometers to Morille, the only town that stands today on our way. Crossing the village does not cause problems. It follows Calle Larga, which passes by the pilgrim hostel.

  • Km 4.1. Morille (Hostel. Casa Rural. Bar. Store)

At the exit, again, there is another trail surrounded by hectares and hectares of land. After several slides we will reach the first cancel, the point at which the landscape turns, now more populated with oak (Km 7.2). The signals can disappear after one of the many cancellations we're going through. If this happens, instead of pulling towards the house and the estate we have slightly to the left, we have to stick to the stone wall to cross the stream's stream and after 150 meters turn left hand after another door.

Another nice stretch continues through another area of carrascas and holm oaks, one of the last that we can savor, as soon as there is a less green and more ocre universe that announces the kingdom of the concentration tracks, which will also bring the absence of shadows. We pass by the houses of Aldeanueva (Km 10.8) and through the canyon of Miranda we arrive in just over 3 kilometers to the crossing of Miranda de Azán, population that we left to the right (Km 14).

We soon crossed over the stream of the Fuente de la Porra (Km 14.4) and persevered in our crusade another 3.5 kilometers. Thus we reach a rocky farallon conquered by a metal cross where a miniature of pilgrim Santiago makes equilibria. At the front, Salamanca. Let's watch the rhythm and leave the clear route of the track to finally give the highway, which we draw below (Km 18,8).

We got to a roundabout, and we went forward to a park, which we went through. After passing the tunnel under the tracks we will reach Calle Carretera de Fregeneda, after which we will cross the spectacular Roman bridge over the river Tormes (Km 22,6). We're already in Salmantice. At the exit of the bridge, after the Vetón Berro, we follow the shells spread over the ground that along the streets Tentenecio and El Expolio - next to the Casa Lis - drive to Arcediano Street, where the pilgrim hostel is located.

  • Km 23.4. Salamanca (All services)

The difficulties


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The hostels

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