French Way
Foncebadón to Ponferrada stage
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Santa Marina Hostel
Available without an Internet connection
Hostel owner: Private
Institution or administration in charge of maintenance costs: Private
Person in charge of the hostel: Cristina Blanco
Remarks: There's a bar. They offer community dinner at 8 euros. They are open from 6:30 to 8:00 to 3 euros. Alfredo has been hospitable, has done 12 times the Camino de Santiago and the Shikoku in Japan. It informs the pilgrims who want this oriental pilgrimage of about 45 days and the Camino del Sol of Brazil.
Description of the hostel
- General impression: Opened in June 2007
- Hostel availability: March to November
- Price: EUR 7
- Total places: 56
- Nº of places in bunkbeds: 38
- Nº of places on floor: 0
- Nº of mattresses on floor: 0
- Nº of beds: 18
- Description of rooms: Two of 10, one of 8, one of 16 and one of 12
- Book room in the hostel: Yes
- Hostel terms and conditions of admission: Pilgrims with credential
- Opening time: 13:00 hours
- Closing time: 23:00 hours
- If you can leave or not when the hostel closes: Yes
Forum: What pilgrims think about the Camino de Santiago
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