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Silver-Way Stage from Montemayor Baths to Fuenteroak de Salvatierra

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Hostel of pilgrims Barro Colorao

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04 albergue barro colorao

Old Carretera CV-186 ( now DSA-280) Valdelacasa to Béjar by Navalmoral, Km. 14.00. 3.5 km from downtown Béjar

Hostel owner: CTR Barro Colorao S.L.

Institution or administration in charge of maintenance costs: CTR Barro Colorao S.L.

Person in charge of the hostel: Enrique Romero

Remarks: The Silver Way does not pass directly by Béjar and you have to deviate after Béjar Road on SA-220. In total they are about 3.5 kilometers extra. If the owners are called, they will pick up the pilgrims to the crossing with the Vía de la Plata and return them to the same point the next day. It has an additional cost of EUR 3 per person.

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