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French Way Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela

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Hostel Fin del Camino

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Albergue fin del camino

Rusa de Moscova, s/n
Santiago de Compostela

Hostel owner: Ad Sanctum Iacobum Peregrinatio Foundation

Institution or administration in charge of maintenance costs: Ad Sanctum Iacobum Peregrinatio Foundation

Person in charge of the hostel: Several hospital volunteers from the Foundation

Remarks: The hostel is dedicated to the memory of D. Jaime García Rodríguez, who was the founder and director of the Pilgrim Reception Office. The rustic of Moscova is on the left of the rustic do Valiño, passing the French Way in Santiago. The hostel is located below the church of Fontiñas and nearby there is a shopping centre.

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